Writing a Christmas Card in Italian

| Thu, 12/16/2010 - 10:09

Looking for Italy-themed Christmas Cards? Check out these great Christmas cards ITALY Magazine prepared!

We are sure that some of you will want to send greetings in Italian to all those lovely people you have met in Italy, so here is how to do it.

The simplest and most commonly used greeting is:

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

You could also write:

Buone Feste
Happy Celebrations

Or, if you are more ambitious, you could say:

Ti auguro – I wish you [to one person]
Vi auguro – I wish you [to more than one person]

Ti auguriamo – We wish you [to one person]
Vi auguriamo – We wish you [to more than one person]


un Natale pieno di amore, pace e felicità
a Christmas filled with love, peace and happiness

and you could add

e un felice Anno Nuovo
and a Happy New Year.

You could also add,

Con i migliori auguri
With best wishes

Un abbraccio
An embrace [the equivalent of saying “love”].

It is not necessary to write “da” – “from” but you can if you prefer.

Here is some more Christmas vocabulary that may be useful:

La Vigilia – Christmas Eve
Natale - Christmas

Santo Stefano – Boxing Day
San Silvestro – New Year’s Eve
Il Capodanno – New Year’s Day [but also used to refer to the New Year’s Eve festivities, which, of course, last into New Year’s Day!]
Epifania – Epiphany, the 6th January. [The word “befana”, for the good witch who arrives on this day, is, in fact, a corruption of “Epifania”.]


Looking for Italy-themed Christmas Cards? Check out these great Christmas cards ITALY Magazine prepared!


Related Pages:
- Italian Language Section for lessons of different levels!
- Grazie Mille! - Expressing Appreciation
- Language Schools in Italy
- Italian Quotes about Family
- Italian Quotes about Food