Royal Wedding in Cilento

| Mon, 09/21/2009 - 05:18

A descedant of Napoleon Bonaparte, princess Carolina, got married to Eric Querenet De Breville in Castellabate in Cilento.

She was accompanied to the alter by her father, the prince Carlo Napoleone. He is a direct descentant of Jerome Bonaparte, Napoleon’s brother.

The princess was married in the Basilica dedicated to Santa Maria dell’Assunta, in the mediaval part of town. Attending the ceremony about a 100 invites, a grand selection of European aristocracy.

The inhabitants of Castelabbate were amazed that the princess chose their small town, rather that getting married in Paris where she lives. However, Castelabbate does have a special place in her family’s history. The Borbones came to hund boar in the park, and where often the guests at the Palazzo Belmonte. The cousin of Napoleon, the King of Napoli Giacchino Murat, also spend many pleasant summers in Castelabbate.

The guests and the couple followed tradition and went back to Palazzo Belmonte after the ceremony. They were all guests of princess Beatrice di Borbone of the two Sicilies, the sister of Carlo di Borbone.

Topic: Weddings