Italian Men and Women Will Reach Equality in 2601

| Mon, 05/23/2011 - 03:59

A demographer for the National Research Council, has run a statistical projection to determine when men and women will finally reach gender equality. She found that things in Italy will finally be fair in 2601.

Rossella Palomba crunched the numbers in search of a target date for equality of the sexes. By comparing the amount of men and women working in high-profile careers, the researcher was able to project how long it would take for there to be an equal number of males and females on the job.

It will take until 2063 for women to equal men as professors. For doctors, it won’t happen until 2095.

The purely mathematical calculations do not take into account outside factors that might influence the date, but Italy ranks in at a disheartening 74 out of 134 when it comes to equality measurements. Equality may come before 2601, but there is certainly a long way to go.