Italian Critics Blast "Jersey Shore"

| Mon, 04/04/2011 - 03:30

Italian TV critics are weighing in on news that the popular MTV show Jersey Shore is Italy-bound for season four.

Entertainment reporter Roberto Del Bove has written a scathing summary of the series in anticipation of the cast’s arrival on Italian shores. He refers to the self-identified guidos and guidettes as “kids who have little more than an Italian last name.”

The critic also blasted the show producers for being unimaginative and relying on unoriginal, stereotypical casting for views. Del Bove explained that their narcissism and slicked back hair typecast a kind of “Italianism” that only exists in American movies.

Critics are not the only ones taking issue with the derogatory stereotypes glorified on the reality TV show. Antonio Campo Dall'Orto, vice president of MTV International acknowledged, “The Italian community in America has admitted that they do not feel represented by them.”

He continued, saying that those living in Italy will be insulated by a kind of filter- the strange values and behavior of Jersey Shore cast members makes their supposed Italianisms “impossible to identify with.”