Anorexic models flagged at Milan Fashion Week

| Fri, 09/24/2010 - 06:38

The organisers of the 2010 Milan Fashion Week, which runs until 28th September, have not forgotten the health issues surrounding ultra-thin models and Giampaolo Landi, the city’s Health Councillor, has appointed a team to watch for models who may be anorexic.

The leader of the team is Gabriella Dompè, celebrity and wife of the president of Farmindustria, the trade association representing Italy’s pharmaceutical industry.

In theory, no model appearing in Fashion Week should be under size 38 [US size 4 and UK size 6] but members of the team are using their eyes to flag up models that they think may be suffering from the disease. Some of the signs they are looking for are: taut muscles and dry, taut skin; an unnatural rosy colour on the cheeks; virtually fleshless legs; and visible shoulder blades and ribs.

Two as yet unnamed models have already been flagged by the team and they will have to undergo medical checks.

Size zero models have been banned from Milan Fashion Week since 2006.

Do you think the monitoring team is a good idea?

Topic: Fashion