Learn Italian Gestures with Dolce & Gabbana Models

| Tue, 01/28/2014 - 05:03

Speaking Italian well is not enough; you have to punctuate your words with the myriad hand gestures that are such an important part of Italians's spoken communication.

Well, now you can learn how to do it thanks to the models of Dolce and Gabbana, who star in a fun “hand gestures tutorial video" on the notes of Funiculì Funiculà.

Learning Italian has never been so easy, the Dolce & Gabbana video claims. And pleasing to the eye, we would add.

Watching the video, we think we can tell the models who are Italian from those who aren’t, just from the way they use their hands - i.e. the pros from the amateurs! See if you can spot the difference.