I am going to Perugia to study Italian

brstdev6 Image
04/02/2015 - 04:18

I am going to Perugia to study Italian. Can I have few suggestion about this ?


Ciao, in Perugia I know of a couple of options: L'universtia' per stranieri (https://www.unistrapg.it/didattica/corsi-di-lingua-e-cultura-italiana ) which is highly regarded and this school here http://www.comitatolinguistico.com/it/ . I don't have personal experience of either of these, but I work with language schools and I've heard good things about both. What have you found so far, how long are you going for? 

This book will give you a very strong idea of what it is like studying Italian in Perugia.Straddling the Borders. The year I grew up in Italy. Martha T. CummingsAlthough the American author sets her story quite a few years ago it still paints a fairly accurate picture. Perhaps the best advice was to change your class teacher if you do not feel you are getting what you want from studying Italian and the importance of making friends. She studied at  Universita' per StranieriThe book is not particularly well written but it's worth searching for a second-hand copy on Amazon. I am sure it will you offer more than a flavour of being a language student in Perugia.

Oh boy, that sounds like such fun!  I hope you have a great time.  If you want to get a fascinating perspective on one American student's experience in Perugia, you should really check out a book called "Waiting to be Heard" (it's available on Amazon).  For any young person traveling to Perugia, it's a simply indespensible read....full of housing tips, suggestions on school options, restaurants, nightlife, bus schedules, holiday traditions and tons of practical, super helpful tips on local etiquitte and other lifesaving stuff that you'd never think to ask about but will certainly want to know before you go.  The author provides insight to a side of Perugia that most students never get to see.  Good luck, have fun and remember, be safe. 

I refer to the last 2 posts. This in my opinion, is a very sad and devious  way of replying to a perfectly honest question from someone going to study in Perugia. Unfortunately recommending a book about Amanda Knox is not the way to go! Having lived  and known Perugia for 15 years may I suggest enough is enough as far as this subject goes. Anyone with any sense will not be influenced by this well publicised tragedy.   

brstdev6,First off, I hope you have a great experience studying Italian in Italy. I would simply suggest that you go for it with your eyes open and an awareness of what happened to another idealistic American exchange student in Perugia before.  I would suggest that, if Perugia appeals to you, you learn about that city in an open minded and comprehensive manner. Then, I encourage you to pursue your dreams.

Che bello che tu vada a Perugia per imparare l'italiano! Questa è una scelta straordinaria per immergerti nella lingua e nella cultura. Perugia è una città storica nota per la sua atmosfera rinascimentale italiana. Vi aspettano strade strette, bellissime piazze e una ricca storia.Potrai praticare l'italiano con la gente del posto, immergerti nelle usanze locali e gustare la deliziosa cucina italiana. Studiare in una scuola di lingue ti darà l'opportunità di sviluppare le tue abilità e la tua sicurezza nel parlare italiano. Ti auguro buona fortuna e un'esperienza indimenticabile a Perugia!