looking for help/advice. Has anyone

03/19/2016 - 13:30

looking for help/advice. Has anyone applied for a elective residency visa? What was the process like? what was the minimum ammount needed in the bank to qualify?if anyone has information on this process it would be greatly appriecated, i've spent hours online researching and the information out there is very confusing. thanks



We have our visa appointment on Friday in Houston. From talking to the Consulate in Hawaii (they are the only ones I can get to answer the phone) they stated there's no set in stone number. It's totally subjective, but the guideline is $50,000 liquid.  However, it's much less according to the minister of internal affairs webpage: http://www.esteri.it/mae/en/ministero/servizi/stranieri/ingressosoggiornoinitalia/mezzi_finanziari/tabella_mezzi_sussistenza.html  She also said, different consulates have different guidelines.