Octopus Soup

John Heseltine | Thu, 08/14/2014 - 02:45
Difficulty Level
Cooking Time
1.5 h

Zuppa di polipi su orto lucano

(enough to serve four people)

600 g
300 g
red pepper
200 g
extra virgin olive oil
50 ml
red wine
150 ml
1 clove
sweet pepper
1 minced (sun dried)
1 tsp
saffron strands
a few
black pepper
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Wash the octopus under a cold tap and then slice into small pieces and brown in a pan with the extra virgin olive oil, chopped parsley and garlic.
Next, add the sweet pepper and soften it with the red wine.
Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes and cut the peppers into julienne strips. Add to sweet pepper mix, and once the potatoes start to cook, add about half a litre of water and leave to cook for around 45 minutes.
More water may be needed to stop the soup from thickening too much.
While the soup simmers, fry some thickly sliced bread in olive oil. Once cooked, the soup should be poured on top of the bread and served in deep bowls. Finally, the saffron is sprinkled sparingly over each individual serving.
Buon appetito!