Cavatelli al Sugo di Capra: Pasta With Goat Ragù

Francine Segan | Wed, 03/15/2023 - 06:30
Cavatelli al Sugo di Capra
Cavatelli al sugo di capra / Photo courtesy of Francine Segan
Difficulty Level
Cooking Time
2 hours

Goat is among the most widely consumed red meats in the world, and it’s particularly popular in southern Italy. This dish is a specialty of the Campania region, especially the province of Salerno, where it was named by the Agriculture Ministry as one of Campania’s traditional products, dating back centuries and reflecting the area’s long history of sheep and goat farming. 

Thin slices of succulent goat meat are rolled with a filling of cheese, garlic, and parsley, creating

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