Hi everyoneWe are new to the community

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03/10/2017 - 21:24

Hi everyoneWe are new to the community. We own a house in rural Marche which has been badly damaged by earthquakes. Our insurer tells us they are waiting for new Italian laws that will set new standards for rebuilding and won't approve any building works until these laws are known. We can't find any information on this. Does anyone know anything more or can anyone direct us to an English language forum on this topic?thank youtony



Sorry to hear of your problems. I've not heard of any such law changes and suspect some delaying tactic going on. I doubt very much you will find anything particular in English and likely will need to find something in Italian first. If they have not already provided such, I would be asking for details of the proposed legislation. Italians love their numbers and articles for these legal procedures. Getting such would make a web search on the subject much easier. Hopefully someone else here has heard of such changes, this at least would set your mind at rest perhaps. Out of 5-6 people I know of in Le Marche (from another forum) at least 2 have indicated they have serious damage, so it would seem to me pretty bad there, so sorry about that, good luck getting it sorted.

Hi - sorry to hear about your house being damaged by the earthquake - ours too - quite serious damage. Your insurer is correct - there is new legislation produced by the Italian government - see this linkhttps://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://tuttoggi.info/terremoto-testo-del-decreto-legge-ricostruzione-vigore-dal-19-ottobre/363827/&prev=search.This new goverment legislation does not only cover the details of how a house will need to be repaired against  future seismic events, but also lays out the goverment financial compensation scheme. Most Italian homeowners don't have buildings insurance. (And our insurance company has now withdrawn earthquake insurance from our policy)Out of interest, our insurance company (a UK one) has actually paid out to us a large proportion of our claim, without any reference to this new law.  However, our Italian engineer has told us we cannot start work until the law has been developed into a set of instructions for engineers and architects to be able to submit formal plans for the repairs.  We are still awaiting these instructions although we are told it will be soon. Please pm me if you want to share personal experiences around this tragedy.

Thanks Clombardelli this is very helpful as our house near Sarnano has also suffered quite serious damage in the October quakes and whilst our insureres seem to be quite happy to deal with the claim it does help explain why it is taking so long to get plans from the structural engineer. I just feel so bad for all our neighbours who are having to live away from their homes - at least we have a safe home here in the uk. Claire

Hi Tony,My house in Sarnano, Le Marche (Claire - sorry to hear about your place there too!), was badly damaged too and requires a rebuild. There's a new decree thing published in the last couple of weeks which is supposed to clear things up though I must admit, it's a bit of a difficult read!!! https://sisma2016.gov.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Ordinanza-ricostruzione-privata-n-19-del-7-4-20171.pdfThere's also a group called Terre in Moto which are trying to clear up some of the questions people have. The next meeting is tomorrow at 6pm in Caldarola. https://www.facebook.com/terremotomarche2016/?fref=nfIn other news, there's a little private facebook group of expats that have been impacted by the earthquake who share various bits and pieces when we discover new things (that's where I got the above info from - it's a good group!). If you want to join, I think I have to add you manually so do get in touch though erm, I don't know how you do that on here! I've got a blog http://www.lemarchescape.com/ if you want to contact me through that - that's not me plugging my site but feel free to read about my own depressing  earthquake adventures on that!!! In bocca al lupo x 

Thanks suzzec - that 81 page document that you linked to was in fact the goverment legislation with regard to repairs to houses that have been badly damaged - confirmed by my engineer this week.  So with a bit of luck we will be able to make some progress to get the comune to sign off our repair plan.Also see this link for Tolentino : http://www.comune.tolentino.mc.it/avvisi-cms/esenzione-imu-e-tasi-per-immobili-inagibili-termine-30-giugno-2017/#more-77279.Basically says that if your house is badly damaged and ineligible to live in, you can file a form with the Comune which exempts you from paying IMU, TASI, IRPEF.  Needs to be in by 30th June.