Digging a well

11/24/2011 - 04:58

Thinking of doing this for more water for the garden. Has anybody done this?What does it cost per metre and how is the well lined?And do you think water divining works or is it better to use some kind of geologist???thanks for any guidance!


This has come up before on this site - try the 'search' facility. I did a quick search on 'borehole', which threw up;-  http://www.italymag.co.uk/community/search/google/borehole?query=borehole&cx=008545532643634060996%3Awdodncttvow&cof=FORID%3A10&sitesearch= Hope this helps .................... Water Divining - yes it can work, I've used the 'bent coat hanger' divining rods to trace drains [for work - not for fun], but its probably best to talk to a professional rather than a Diviner   Good Luck

If you have an old property talk to the locals, chances are there may already be one. I had three which had been filled with rubble. I dug one out - with my hands as I didn't want to damage the stone walls and as it is above my orto I use it to water the veg in summer.

As we will not be back in Italy until May, cannot help now, however  I am sometimes available in and around Tuscany  as a "water dowser" and come pretty cheaply; lunch and some good vino suffices. I have successfully "dowsed" many wells in California, Hawaii, and Austria, found pipes, leaks, etc. Can "divine" the depth and measure GPM. Must be a moving liquid to detect. No magic involved. due castagne

If it is just for be a  water for the garden, what about sinking a large underground cisterna and collecting all rain water from the gutters? Lots of houses near us do this and whilst I suspect it will still need planning permission it maybe a cheaper option than sinking a well. Don't have time to read all the posts but there may be some ideas here: http://www.italymag.co.uk/forums/gardening-agriculture/11465-harvesting-rainwater.html