07/28/2010 - 08:37

Hi just received a bill titled 'Imposta comunale sugli immobili anno 2007' and on the payment slip 'tributi locali violazioni' with a x in the iscop box. It seems to be a new tax calculated the same way as the ici. Does anyone know anything about this tax and why it is in violazioni?


As  'Imposta comunale sugli immobili anno 2007'   means ICI for 2007 [when it still existed for locals], I can only assume there was a problem with your payments that year, and they're getting it back off you now.

Thank you, Now I know it is a one off, when we went to pay ici that year (we used the office of the sindaco) we were told it had been stopped. Surprised that the fine for non payment was only €10 The post man had a lot of recorded letters that looked like ours so there will be a lot of discussion going on.