Hi!that's time to learn how to recognize feminine words

06/11/2009 - 11:02


that's time to learn how to recognize feminine words from masculine one.  

An evidence of the gender is the article.

We put:

  • il/lo/for the masculine words such as:  il prezzo, il bar, lo zaino, lo zucchero
  • la for the feminine words such as: la piazza, la stazione, la casa
  • i/gli as plural for the masculine words: i prezzi, i bar, gli zaini, gli zuccheri 
  • le as plural for the feminine words: le piazze, le stazioni, le case

ps: both masculine and feminine articles has the " l' " version when the noun starts with a vowel: 

  • masculine examples: l'albero, l'alfabeto
  • feminine example: l'altezza, l'allegria

As you can see the final vowel is in bold to mark that:

  1. if a noun ends with an "o" then it is masculine - though there are words ending with an "a" considered masculine as well. i.e.: il problema
  2. if a noun ends with an "a" then it is feminine - though there are words ending with an "o" considered feminine as well. i.e.: la mano,

Probably you are thinking that there must be some exceptions hidden somewhere...then you are right!

In fact, there are also words ending with "i" considered feminine, such as "la crisi". Masculine nouns can end with an "i" too: il brindisi.


I advice you the following reading if you wish to learn more about Italian gender declination:


You may have troubles when trying to make the feminine declination of nouns and adjectives. That's not always that straightforward! I think I should talk about it in a separate post.
