Berlusconi Loses Immunity and Faces New Scandal

| Wed, 01/19/2011 - 04:07

Silvio Berlusconi has been hitting the press circuit to deny new accusations of inappropriate relationships with under-aged escorts. The scandal-prone Italian Prime Minister is making headlines once more for his alleged relationship with then 17-year-old "Ruby Rubacuori".

On Tuesday, wiretapped conversations featuring the nightclub dancer discussing bribe money in exchange for her silence were released. The numerous recorded phone conversations featuring various women could implicate Berlusconi in an illicit prostitution scandal.

Giorgio Napolitano, President of Italy, has criticized Berlusconi’s latest outrageous gaffe and asked the Prime Minister to clarify the stories.

On Sunday, Berlusconi appeared on one of his many TV channels to deny any wrongdoing. The media magnate turned politician declared that he was the victim of a smear campaign and had never paid for sex. As proof, he offered the surprising news that he has been in stable relationship since splitting with his wife in 2007.

"It's absurd to even think that I would pay to have sex with a woman," Berlusconi said. "I would consider it degrading."

News of the Prime Minister’s long-term mystery girlfriend has bewildered political colleagues and Italian voters. No one has offered any insight into her identity.

Berlusconi may soon need more evidence to free him from the latest accusations. Last week, Italian courts removed his automatic immunity from prosecution. Now, Berlusconi and members of his cabinet could face criminal charges.