Paying with Cash like an Italian

| Sun, 05/18/2014 - 01:00
Are you among the people who thought that bartenders, cashiers and shop owners in Italy were rude to you because they put the change on the counter rather than straight into your hands? Well the good news is that even if you might find it odd, this is just normal in Italy. Most Italian shops, bars and even supermarkets have a purposely designed small plate or tray next to the cash register where clients are supposed to put the money if they are paying cash. The receipt and the change is also placed in the so called 'piattino del resto' (literally 'change plate'). In bars, boutiques and small shops this special dish often carries the logo of the shop and is especially designed in ceramic, glass or wood. There doesn't seem to be any special reason for this and credit cards do not follow the same rule. So next time you are in an Italian shop don't be surprised and do as ' the Romans do it'!