Hello. My mother Marion Margaret Cappuccio passed away on August 7 2020.

09/03/2020 - 05:08

Hello. My mother Marion Margaret Cappuccio passed away on August 7 2020. In gathering her papers for probate I came across 2 of these postal bonds. These were purchased be her grandfather Pasquale Cappuccio for her birth in 1930. 

We need to enter into the estate if there is any value.

Could you assist? The attorney would have an enormous charge just to obtain this information.

My name is Angela Mull. Phone is 772 643 6986. Email is amullvb1@gmail.com 

Thank you



Very likely now of nice historical value so best frame it but before you do and when next on Italy pop into a main post office and ask but be prepared for a nil value.  We had some issued in the 70s and the records were all clerical, the issuing post office had closed so we had to take a day to go to where the records had been moved. We also had to have Italian proof that legitimate heirs.

Shame!  100.000 lire in 1930 is equal to about 90.000 euros now. 

However, a buono is only valid until its expiry, but it can be cashed for 10 years after its expiry.  After that its worth nothing.  Given the history of the Italian government grabbing money from defunct accounts, its a fair bet that it has all  been absorbed into Italy's national debt.   There should be an expiry date somewhere on the buono, though i cant see it.