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Tue, 06/12/2018 - 15:54

H Ibi, sorry to hear that. Where are you going to living in the UK? I used to live in London for a few years. Do you own a house in the UK already? Or do you need to find one to buy/rent? and about your house in Abruzzo... where is it exactly? It sounds like it is a big villa.. must be nice. Are you looking to sell it or rent it out to start with? Thanks let me know

Sun, 06/10/2018 - 10:12

Hi Steve yes I am in Abruzzo, Avezzano, L’Aquila Province. How about you? Do you happen to know anyone living in this area who I could connect to ? Just to practice my English haha and make friends :)))

Sat, 06/09/2018 - 14:53

Hi Gary, Shelley and Ibi, this is a "group hello" :)I am glad you have got in touch you neighbours :)I live in Abruzzo as well, I can speak Ensglish fairly well and I am Italia. If you need any interpreting or translation feel free to let me know or any help with understanding legal and boureaucracy just be in touch. If I can help myself I will, otherwise I will mediate between you and good professionals who may not be able to speak English. I am also happy to just become friends as well :))) Take care and good luck :)

Sat, 06/09/2018 - 14:46

Hi WigWaghave you purchased the insurance already? I may ask someone I know and has got lots of experience with insurances. I am actually based in Abruzzo as well in the L'Aquila province near Avezzano. If you like we can keep in touch communicate sometimes and maybe make friends :) Thank you. Angelo

Sat, 06/09/2018 - 14:37

Hi, this is only based on my experience and knowledge and only by reading the few sentences about the matter. When the couple bought the house in Italy they were married in comunione dei beni. That means the house is authomatically of shared ownership. Howver, while they are married the property is seen and legally considered as whole. Later on they got divorced. This causes that although they own the 50% of the property each, they can in theory already decide to sell half, meaning that the other owner can buy it out or the seller can sell it to someone else, for instance a relative. The divorce simply "divide" the property in two and make the two shares somewhat indipendent from the other. Obvioously such thing does not make one of the owner abke to sell his half disregarding completely the rights and priorities the law gives to the owner of the other half. With regards to the value of the property or of the 50% of it, it will refer to the market value as it stands now, becuase her right of ownership has been an ongoing right and the divorce has not cancelled it. It has actually made it more readily exercisable.I hope this is helpful, but I still recommend you to seek legal advice or get in touch with a notary here in Italy, they should be able to clear your doubts upon examining the documentation you have got. Let us know how it goes and if you need any help with talking to some of the professionals you may have to deal with here in Italy.Take care.

Sat, 06/09/2018 - 14:14

Hi... based on my experience APE may cost around 200 Euros, more or less that is the price for it, depending on a few circumstances it could be slightly more, but that's just for you to have an idea. This is when the architect or the engineer is actually going to do the inspection in person. This seems more accurate and you can use the professional there during the visit to ask some relavant questions and technical aspects which may be useful for you in the future to know. However, nowadays you can find some professionals/companies on line which provide you with the APE without an inspection, unless they deem it necessary. The price in this case is way cheaper, could start from 40 Euros. Browse on the internet for more info and speak to more than one professional in order to possibly choose one which is nearby and that can give you a reasonable price.Angelo

Sat, 06/09/2018 - 14:04

hi :) not sure if you have found the supplier already, but you could take a look at what these ones have on offer.Leroy MerlinOBIBrico IoBrico OkBrico Fer Let me know how it goes. And maybe tell us a bit more about the renovation going on? :) Thanks and good luck :)

Sat, 06/09/2018 - 10:11

Va bene grazie :)

Sat, 06/09/2018 - 10:10

ok Steve no problemsare you based in Abruzzo?

Sat, 06/09/2018 - 06:59

Salve Ugo, grazie per la risposta. La contatterò tramite il suo sito allora come mi ha suggerito.Volevo chiederle cortesemente se mi può spiegare come posso ricevere le notifiche delle risposte alle mie domande o ai miei post qui su questo sito senza doverlo fare necessariamente dopo e solo dopo aver ricevuto la notica per email? C'è una sezione qui sul sito e quindi sul proprio account dose si può agilmente vedere la notifica? Grazie intanto anche per questo tipo di supporto! :)))