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Answer to: Mosquitoes
Mon, 07/01/2019 - 04:21

In July I take a 24 hour anti-histamine (my daghter left Allegra 24 here). It doesn't prevent bites but it stops the hectic swelling and burning - they become normal mosquito bites. Hairdryer. If you get bitten hold the hairdryer about 10-15cm from the bite on medium heat. When you get the urge to pull away from the heat - don't. Count to 10 and you will feel the bite getting hotter - be careful not to hold it close enough to burn yourself. Switch off after 10 seconds of good heat. If you are a normal person you should get up to 8 hours of relief - I get 4-5 but I usually swell hectically. The heat attacks and starts breaking down the protein in the bite.Wear light loose clothing. If I want to garden or work outside I use one of those white "spun" onesies that you get for €1 at Bricofer or the DIY stores - found it in the paint section. I am small but I use a large one and a makeshift elastic belt. The best thing I have bought in Italy - the neighbours think I am nuts but it is way better than not being able to be outdoors.