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Questions Asked

My father died intestate in Italy 30 years ago.

Tue, 09/03/2019 - 04:56

Comments posted

Thu, 09/05/2019 - 09:04

Many many thanks again Modicasa.My father died intestate, and my mother requested the flat to be inherited by my brother in her will.So would that have just related to her share?Does the ownership stop with us while we are alive? Or do our children also now have a share? ie If we were to relinquish our share, do our children also have to be involved?Would it be simpler just to pass my share to my eldest brother in my will?Sorry for all the questions!

Thu, 09/05/2019 - 06:29

Many thanks for your repsonse. Can I just ask what you mean by "you will have at least two successions to do" ? Is that as at my father's death, or thoughout the successors' lifetimes?And how do we refuse our quotsa of succession? Does this have to be done through a Notary?

Tue, 09/03/2019 - 05:07

It is my understanding that you have to personally register your birth certificate at your local town hall in Puglia first.Once registered there, you are able to arrange your passport in the UK.