User Activity

italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: Hi All,This is my first post but I' with: "Hi Alex,"
italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: Hi AllWe are moving to Italy as non with: "Hi RikiB,"
italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: Hi, I'm new in the community and with: "Hi moe.ske"
italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: Hi All,This is my first post but I' with: "Hi Alex,"
italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: Hello, I have jsut moved to Italy with with: "Hi Georgie,"
italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: Hi I'm Sisi I just moved to with: ""
italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: I would be visiting Italy in mid with: "HI Sunil,"
italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: Hi AllWe are moving to Italy as non with: "Hi Ugo,"
italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: Hi, I'm new in the community and with: "As they do not have a"
italyprogetti Image
italyprogetti replied to a question: I own an apartment in Fabro, Terni, with: "Hi "