User Activity

myabruzzohome replied to a question: A Useful Read When Thinking of Moving to Italy with: "Penny your post made me"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: House designs for Italian winters with: "outside"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Advice on Choosing Pellet Boiler with: "You also need to consider if"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: The dangers of a Colpo d'aria - with: "The funniest thing I saw was"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Can anyone help with plumbers in Penne with: "Hi"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Strange Bird ! with: "record"
myabruzzohome replied to a question: Christmas in Italy with: "Try Rocarasso in Abruzzo.My"