12402 Yawn

So here we are yet again, another blow up on the forum, members banned/suspended again, and all because of substandard moderation administration.
Oh ! - The admin/mods were rubbing their hands with glee at all the good publicity the forum/IM was getting from the sweat of the fundraising members, but they themselves couldnt be bothered to organise themselves to get up off their backsides to actually facilitate (as promised) the members by opening the subforum close to a month after they agreed to.
This has caused incredible frustration (unnecessarily so) which once again has spilled into aggro.
Congratulations for yet another self inflicted wound and not learning ANYTHING from historys mistakes.... [I]then to raise anger levels even higher[/I], one of the "mods" ... (marc) starts to put flippant posts taking the micky out of Nielo instead of acting maturely and trying to diffuse the situation, (as a [B]proper[/B] supervisor/mod/admin/schoolteacher whatever you think yourself to be) should be doing.

Maybe we were labelling the wrong person General Melchett

Circolo di Conversazione

General Melchett [B]Sah[/B]! :bigergrin:

[quote=Mediated Anarchist;120335]General Melchett [B]Sah[/B]! :bigergrin:[/quote]

No, no no. Not this time. "Sahs"....like respect, have to be earned.
... all we wanted to do was help raise more money for the victims of the earthquake, and bureaucratic incompetence retards the attempts. Dont anyone on this forum ever, ever have the audacity to post again about [B]Italian[/B] bureaucracy, red tape, lethargy or incompetence. The mods could see all this brewing and what did they do... sweet fanny adams.

[quote=Torchiarolan;120345]No, no no. Not this time. "Sahs"....like respect, have to be earned.
... all we wanted to do was help raise more money for the victims of the earthquake, and bureaucratic incompetence retards the attempts. Dont anyone on this forum ever, ever have the audacity to post again about [B]Italian[/B] bureaucracy, red tape, lethargy or incompetence. The mods could see all this brewing and what did they do... sweet fanny adams.[/quote]

Actually, I am wrong, they didnt do sweet fanny adams, in fairness marc did get off his backside ( eventually !! ).... but only to stir the pot before relapsing into a torpor again.
well done marc, next week lets where see your subsequent contribution leads the forum.... this forum and its members have done great things for the people of Abruzzo, and was on the verge of doing far more, but thanks to your heavy-handed and incomprehensible bias, you have, - to put it in military terms, "You have managed to snatch defeat from out of the jaws of victory !"
and "I want to go home with the non combatants before we are led into the final debacle"