12290 Hello chap/chapesses

I'm out of retirement, so whats everyone been up to?

Introduce Yourself - Piacere Conoscerti

[FONT=Century Gothic][IMG]http://www.cheesebuerger.de/images/midi/froehlich/a010.gif[/IMG] I have no idea what everyone's been up to because I'm new:laughs: but welcome back! [/FONT][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm trying to get into retirement never mind out :bigergrin:[/FONT]

[quote=elainecraig;118811]I'm out of retirement, so whats everyone been up to?

Hello -- tell me when you left and I'll get started on the mgmt summary. :nah:

A good place to start though is here [URL="http://www.justgiving.com/italy-abruzzo-earthquake"]Justgiving - ITALY Magazine Abruzzo Earthquake Appeal[/URL] :smile:

Well,as I was saying only the other day..........