I have just received a bill from Enel

04/10/2016 - 12:43

I have just received a bill from Enel for €800 which dates back to 2007 ! Is there a limitation on how many years back  they can issue bills ? I have no way of proving I don't owe this money. 



See this pages ,  http://www.euroconsumatori.eu/leggiarticolo.php?id=180 http://www.aduc.it/articolo/elettricita+gas+fatture+conguaglio+esorbitanti_23011.php http://www.altroconsumo.it/soldi/imposte-e-tasse/consigli/documenti-quali-conservare-e-per-quanto-tempo 

Blige.   Technically there is a 5 year maximum periodfor claiming payment for utilites, but it does depend a bit on whether you have a telematically read meter or a metere which needs to be looked at.   You  anyway have an obligation to keep your bills for at least 5 years.    Have they not been sending you bills or is it a conguaglio?   I suspect it will also depend on your provider - some are worse than others.  however, you do need topay the last 5 years and can argue/refuse to pay the rest.   They would have to prove you have been notified before the period expired.

Fiona , I think the best thing to do, before the ENEL close your counter for non-payment, it is to emigrate to another electricity supplier. This way you can fight, with greater peace of mind, to see respected your consumer rights 

hi we are having a similar problem now.  we have been given an invoice for 499 euros saying that this for the last 5 years service charge /and supply which we do not understand why we owe so much re the service charge  as we have always paid this directly out of our bank every two months.  we do not dispute the untis used just the service charge.  we have queried it with Servizio Elettrico Nazionale but they insist that this is correct, however we do not speak italian and wondered if anyone has a name or email address for someone who works for enel who are now Servizio Elettrico Nazionale that we can comunicate with via email or phone.  it seeme that as soon as enel went to Servizio Elettrico Nazionale the service charge became higher. any help would be much appreciated, we have had queries with all utilities now, but GAIA and Beyfin we were able to sort out but not this one and we owe 500 euros which we simply do not have.  it is going to come down to asking the utitility compaies to take the meters out and shut the place down we have had nothing but bad luck withj this place. 

Only 500 ? :)my last Enel Bill - absolutely higher tant eìwritted on the contatore , say 1574 -for this reason , and other ,, i  fly to anothe companyBefore att all check the Contatore , if numbers required by Enel , are lowest than writted inthen , you can send a POSTAL MAIO ( RACCOMANDATA )  to> Enel Servizio Elettrico - CP 1100  - cap 85100 - Potenza  (PZ)or> https://www.servizioelettriconazionale.it/it-IT> CONTACTS >>>> https://www.servizioelettriconazionale.it/it-IT/contattigood luck :)