Ferry from Livorno to Palermo

donna de amusa Image
11/30/2010 - 10:33

Has anyone used the ferry from Livorno to Palermo?   If so, how long did it take?   This seems to be the only information that is missing from the from the GNV website.   I know Genova to Palermo is 20 hours but I am hoping to arrive in Palermo no later than midday rather than late evening and have to spend the night in a hotel. I am planning this for Christmas week and really prefer daytime driving.    As this is a first time venture all advice / opinions would be welcomed. Thanks,   Donna



it takes 18/19 hours the only ships on that route all seem to get into palermo around 5-6pm leaving the evening before.however assuming you can get out of palermo (easier said than done) it only takes a couple of hours for example to get to catania on the motorway if you're staying not too far from palermo you could more or less do it before it's night although it'll already be dark by 5pm....the first time i did this i took a poltrona (areoplane type seat) dreadful.the second time "civilized" took a cabin and have to say it was spotless and even quite comfortable...no sex unfortunately because they're sort of bunks..good shower,breakfast in the morning..it's a bit more expensive but you arrive fresh not tired..at least you can escape to your cabin (away from exasperating children running up and down) and sleep read a book as tv lounge you can't hear anything (due to the kids) whilst adults keep putting on inane reality shows and quiz programmes...you can also get dinner not too good but you can always find a salad and cheese and stuff like that....enjoy!