When do you need to apply to a scuola infanzia ?

08/31/2012 - 20:26

It's looking like next Spring or Autumn will be the start of our Italian life for my currently 3 1/2 year old and so I need to sort out securing him a place in the local village school in the Sabina area (near Rieti/Rome). I can't seem to reach the local village school by internet but thought I'd find out if the dates for applying are pretty much 'set in stone' throughout Italy? I've been told by some local Italians that a tiny village school is unlikely to be the most 'stimulating' of starts for a four year old but we are thrilled he'll be building on the Italian he already has a good grasp of and feel the first early years don't need to be pressurized anyway. Any thoughts and experiences of a British child entering the Italian primary school system at a young age much appreciated. Many thanks



Our 3 year old granddaughter will be starting our local village school in a week or so and don't believe what some people say about Village schools as ours has won a National Prize 2 years running beating schools from all over Italy. The main thing is the teaching staff as they will make or break a school, but plus points like small class numbers and mixed ages, we feel are a bonus. You should register your child for Village schools before the end of the Spring term, which you do by contacting the Comune and getting the forms signed, which you may be able to get from the School; ours only has 14 children so is struggling for numbers and it is very important that these small schools continue or so children face long journeys to an alternative, also they are a very important asset to the Community. You will find the Village schools build a real sense of Community with Parents and grandparents helping out with events, and fundraising events. Try and have a chat with the teacher and get them to show you around the school as they will welcome more Children to keep the school open also you will be able to find out contact details as well (most schools do have a phone number available form the Comune web site)