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Sun, 01/18/2015 - 09:17

There is a small drugstore type place called Beautyful. From the the church/campo of S.S. Giovanni e Paolo head toward the back of the church) and take a right on go the small street on the right with the tabacchaio store on the corner. You will also find toiletries in the Billa or Coop supermarkets. Your hotels will also probaby supply you with soap and hair products. Also I have found that a great way to explore a new city in Italy is to look for something--soap, or a particular item. Just keep exploring until you find it, but enjoy all the things you discover on your way. In Venice, look for the three master oar carvers. Their workshops, in Castello, Dorsoduro, and Santa Croce (or San Polo),are wondrously full of both useful items and works of art.