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Tue, 05/20/2014 - 22:52

First tried Lacrima di Morro d'Alba last summer when visiting friends in Monsano near Jesi.  Hard to find although sometimes I come across some at a particular wine shop.  Plan on visiting the Grotte di Frasassi next year and I will definitely seek more out.

Tue, 05/20/2014 - 15:59

We came to the U.S. when I was 7 but I've been back to Italy a good 15-20 times since we moved here.  Italy has its problems.  There is no doubt of that.  The bureaucracy and the way it stifles enterpreneurship is downright maddening.  Life is not easier in Italy but I do believe life is better.  The food, the people, the lifestyle, the history, the unbelievable variety in terrain, the pace... one could go on and on.  We make it a point to go back as much as we can.  We spend 2-3 weeks in Italy each summer and, yes, it is not as easy but who cares.  I would downsize our house, our car (who needs a big car in Italy although an Alfa 4C would be just fine) and our lifestyle to move back.  Admittedly, I speak the language and I have citizenship so I have a built in advantage.  I will also have a very deep, emotional connection to Italy that I don't have anywhere else.  Missing my home can make me tear up... I would go back.  Amarcord.