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Questions Asked

I have just bought a very cheap house in Puglia. This was naive, so: as a non resident [hoping to stay for months at a time] is it better to bring a car from the UK, or buy one locally? what taxes should I know about? please.

Wed, 07/23/2014 - 14:11

Comments posted

Fri, 10/03/2014 - 12:20

I have just bought a house in San Vito, Puglia. It is 20k from Brindisi Airport, and there are regular flights from Stansted - but that is all. San Vito has a population of 20,000 but is near to Brindisi which is a big town. This is near to beaches, and some supermarkets and shopping malls, and there is some history but it doesnt have to be overwhelming. I've spoken to lots of people about small children here and they all seem very satisfied with their pre-schools; I am going in to one as a Volunteer in January to do a week of serious English with 5 year olds and was impressed by how welcoming the teachers were and how the children seemed happy. This is a sweet small town with some foreigners but quite a few things for children to do - so far, I have not found too much for adults, but there are lots of cyclists, swimming, clubs for kids and a cinema.You could not know this without visiting. Give yourself a chance. I was here in San V in January and it was cold, but not UK cold. In April it was pleasant and sunny when the sun was shining. In September all the fruit trees were groaning with produce.Another thought might be whether you want the kids to experience some Town opportunities if you are going to be small town in Wales afterwards. They will be happy if you are.

Fri, 08/08/2014 - 11:06

sorry not to have replied sooner - my house is in San Vito dei Normanni which is not far from you. I am planning to go down in September and start doing things. Will you be there?

Sat, 07/26/2014 - 15:39

I was looking forward to the Italians who are, in my experience, mostly lovely and open and friendly, but now I am as impressed by the ex-pats. What kind people. Thank you for your supportive answers.

Sat, 07/26/2014 - 12:59

It is really helpful to have your ideas, thankyou. In the UK I have an amazing car-man and hope there will be one over there. I also have vague thoughts about making friends with people who couls drive the car and bring it to the airport for me...but have no idea how that might pan out. At least I have some next step ideas.

Sat, 07/26/2014 - 03:06

Thank you -  where do I insure a British car if I plan to leave it down there? Are there insurance companies which are sympathetic to cars poddling about in Puglia? I dont intend to drive distances when I am there. I'm worried that if I ask Italian Authorities what I should be doing, I am putting my head over the parapet - never a good idea.

Sat, 07/26/2014 - 03:03

then I found it, thank you. My impression is that it is all much more complicated than I had planned for - but I was probably deliberately not thinking. Certainly the positives outweigh the problems!!

Thu, 07/24/2014 - 02:18

Didn't bring up anything.....   I was told to bring a car down, but then the taxi driver said that was ridiculous and I could buy one.....  Google says its a25 hour drive, no sleeping, on toll roads, so I can do it, but.....