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Sat, 03/21/2015 - 13:45


Fri, 03/20/2015 - 16:49

Hi, I'm Italian, now living in the US, but I had my own contractor/designer firm in italy for 35 years.Depending in the remodel location there will be a series of evaluations that you must make before following up with the purchase, since the remodel plan itself could not even be be a feasible option in some cases.A local Geometra is the best person that can give you an idea of restoration cost and its feasibility. I can help out more if you can tell me where the house is located.  Ciao!Christina

Fri, 03/20/2015 - 15:13

Ciao,I can set you up with some Sicilain friend that are great cooks... they can teach you in person the real recipes and give you a fullimmersion in sicilian lifestyle. I also have a nice apartment for rent through a good friend of mine. I'm Italian and can assist you in making your travel plans. For free travel tips to Sicilia check out my faceboook page - plenty of photos and atricles regarding Sicily on it:! Christina