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Fri, 10/09/2015 - 07:39

It's a duty of the owner of the house to give the habitability certification to the tenant, but the owner may be exempt from the duty to provide the certification by writing specific contractual clause about that, which the tenant must agree with. Whether the owner doesn't provide the certification, and there is no specific clause that exempts the owner from liability, the rental contract is considered void by the Court.

Fri, 10/09/2015 - 07:19

You're welcome :) in these cases it's very important to stipulate the contract in the right ways in order not to have further problems with the tenant. Anyway let me know if you need help or other legal advices ;)

Thu, 10/08/2015 - 14:31

Hello!i'm an italian lawyer and i give legal assistance even in the field of real estate contracts. My advice is to wait for the habitability certification because if you don't get it, that means that the contract you'll sign for renting the property would be void for "aliud pro alio", as many national Courts always stated. Otherwise, you are able to rent without certification but you must write specific provisions about it in the contract.Maria Rosaria