Mushin's activity

Questions Asked

Buongiorno! We are in the process of buying a property in Italy, signed the compromesso jsut before Christmas with an agreed date to complete and sign the rogito on 20 January.

Mon, 02/08/2016 - 03:14

Comments posted

Thu, 02/11/2016 - 02:55

Thank you very much, will be in touch with the agenzia!Best wishes 

Wed, 02/10/2016 - 10:39

Thank you for your reply. The agenzia has arranged the notaio for us. I don't think it's that the seller is being deliberately difficult but they didn't have their paperwork in order and so things are taking longer to sort out than expected.

Contact with the notaio is through the agenzia so we can't force their hand in that way.