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Sat, 02/04/2017 - 02:29

There are many options, but everything depends on your budget, if you want a grand wedding then you can try out Noble Palace in Grand canal or the Venetian Palace, you will find lot of options which will fit your budget. My sister too had planned to get married at the Venetian Palace but due to some issues, she had to cancel it and instead got married right here in Florida itself.

Fri, 12/30/2016 - 01:45

Hi! No it's not necessary to tip the Italian vendors apart from the service prices. It's a personal choice whether you want to do it or not! When my sister hosted her  wedding reception after her traditional wedding right here in Florida, she did tip them some amount as they were very accomodating and agreed to provide their services at a short notice since the reception was not planned before. So it's upto you whether you want to do it or not.