PG Victoria's activity

Questions Asked

We have never been to Italy. We would love to spend many months there exploring South to North in a couple of years.

Mon, 04/03/2017 - 18:04

Comments posted

Wed, 04/05/2017 - 11:15

Grazie per l'informazione. Siamo grati per l'aiuto. Sei un brav'uomo !! 

Tue, 04/04/2017 - 16:47

Grazie per la vostra risposta. We are Canadian citizens. My father is from the region of Molise. Is 180 days the maximum stay for any foreign tourist ? The issue we have is the Italian Consulate demands your entire itinerary first. We would like to start near Bari,Puglia for a couple of months, then move up to Pescara for a couple of months and finish with a couple of months near Pisa.Where we stay and for how long could change along the way, depending on what we find, ie; the weather is poor or the rent is too high. We would like the option to move throught the country as we choose. Grazie, ancora per l'aiuto.