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Thu, 04/05/2018 - 16:18

You are welcome JC JC.Pls let me know how it goes, and if they are so kind and prepared as I was told ;)

Tue, 04/03/2018 - 11:07

I have found the name of the lawyer dealing with real estate in the wholte Italian territory. You find the link are apparently expert in real estate and have helped my relatives with a property purchase.I hope this is of help.Good luck!

Mon, 04/02/2018 - 12:37

Hi,It is common that an real estate agent or a broker tells you not to involve a lawyer. It's because if your lawyer finds issues on the property he will inform you about them and you might not purchase and consequently the agent will not get his commission.A notary is surely helpful, but you should get a lawyer before signing any contract or during negotiations. I know form my relatives experience.  They signed an offer without really knowing if the property had particular issues, and than they were obliged to complete the purchase despite big issues arised after the signature of the offer. They contacted a lawyer, and resolved everything thanks to this law firm. If you wish me to ask them what law firm helped them, you can contact me in pM. In any case, I do suggest you to get a lawyer!