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Thu, 02/07/2019 - 19:13

I have a pellet stove in my house in the centro storico of Pitigliano. I totally love the convenience of fireing it up to heat the house.I understand the issue with hauling 15 kilo bags of pellets using my shopping cart from the car park to my house, which is a little over 1/2 mile. Then the steep stairs from the street to the living area. It's a lot of work, but there are a couple of people in town who deliver bags of pellets, and I will be using them on my upcoming trip in a couple of weeks.The electronic controls on the pellet stove are very complex. I called up the store where I bought the stove, and they sent out a guy who set it all up for me. Now it's simple: I only have to press the on button.The stove works great in the living/dining//kitchen area, but not so well in the bedrooms. I bought an electric oil heater for the main bedroom, which works fine.