Joe's activity

Questions Asked

Hello Everyone.I am selling my house in Italy. Does any one know of a portal or web site where I can find out the current land value? This is important for buyers and so far I cannot find it. Thanks so much for any help!Cheers,Joe

Thu, 06/29/2017 - 10:51

Some questions about car tax in italy. I have 2 issues. 1. Can car tax be calculated by month when no longer own the car: and 2. How to delete a car permanently if it was not sold but given away?1.

Mon, 08/15/2016 - 08:30

Comments posted

Sat, 08/19/2017 - 03:24

Thank you modicasa, it turns out that the commune do have this information and according to the real estate agent, it is useless and bares no relation to the property value. So, in this case, it couldn't be helpful in obtaining a loan for a potential buyer. 

Thu, 08/17/2017 - 15:52

Hi Jonny M - thanks the first link looks helpful only we are Agricultura residentiale whcih is not listed. But perhaps this guide is better than nothing. I will tell the buyer to consult with a Geometra - that is a good idea. I don't really want to accrue so many extra costs for someone who is just thinking about it at this stage. Cheers

Thu, 08/17/2017 - 11:02

Thanks for your answer and sorry for my late reply. (I had to leave the country for almost two months due to a family emergency.) I checked the link but it seems to be for property prices.The land value is something else - and something estimated yearly by a goverment office (based on market prices etc). The potential buyer of my house needs this as she calims that her bank will only lend money for the price of the land. I can't find it anywhere - even my lawyer did not know. In other countries this value is published and easy to find. 

Mon, 08/15/2016 - 16:15

thanks for your reply. In all countries it is per year - BUT if you sell the car then surely the tax transfers to the new owner otherwise they would be getting 2 times same tax for one vehicle. I cannot imagine that Italians would have tolerated this all of these years. 

Tue, 08/27/2013 - 09:35

Hi, under what circumstances are they allowed to request payment? if, in fact they end up doing no work, not the thing you requested, but only muddling up papers and relationships with neighbours are they still entitled to be paid? I refer here to an incompetent Geometra who is trying to get double the amount already paid to an architect (who did manage at least to submit a plan and get approval) for the same job? Also, what is the situation with a quote? The said architect's plans never happened because he refused to give us a serious quote. He only grabbed figures out of the air and then wrote 3 quotes himself by hand (which should be from 3 different firms) which were incomplete and unacceptable. When we tried to discuss it he got angry and refused to proceed. It seems even the most simple fence costs many thousands in Italy (even with me supplying all materials). Most puzzling. Thanks Adriatica for your evaluation of the situation in Italy - am afraid I find the same trouble over and over again.