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Fri, 01/10/2020 - 02:01

I would be very surprised that your mother had to give up her Italian nationality on her marriage to a British man, although, of course, the laws were different 70 years ago.

i suggest that you contact the AIRE office (Anagrafe degli Italiani residenti all’estero) in the town hall/comune where your mother’s birth was registered in Italy. They should be able to tell you if she is registered with them as an Italian living abroad. 

With regard to your grandparents, who presumably lived in Italy, again, contact their local comune too in order to begin the process of acquiring documentation.  

You will need to be very patient, but keep trying! Coraggio!


Tue, 01/07/2020 - 09:15

I would suggest that you contact ACLI (Associazione Cattolica Lavoratori Italiani). You don’t say where you live in the UK but towns with many Italians living locally(eg Bedford, Peterborough) will  have a branch that you can contact. They are incredibly helpful with sorting out Italian (bureaucratic) paperwork. The process is, however, quite slow, but it does work!  They helped me to gain my Italian passport. Auguri.