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Fri, 02/01/2013 - 18:18

You are underestimating the wonderful feeling of driving past those waiting to pay. It makes me feel like Mr. Bean everytime.  It's also very convenient to not go searching for the cash. There are plans well underway to have the European toll systems integrated and it should begin with the next couple years.

Thu, 01/03/2013 - 15:35

We are in Ameglia and had windows installed by www.disantoinfissi.it of Sarzana. I recommend them, they are very straightforward. Minimal English, but they'll try (good French). We paid about 600E per window as replacements, but the cost varies with size, features, and quality. You want at least medium frame strength as vinyl ( PVC) can have sag problems, particularly in casement designs.  I find Italian workers and contractors to be at least as honest as their counterparts in the US. You need to know every last detail of the construction and materials and the options to make an informed judgement.

Answer to: Wiring Query
Fri, 12/07/2012 - 09:01

Your new flue sounds big enough to me. We have a 6" liner on our whole house oil furnace in the states, as well as (separately) a 6" flue on our woodstove. If it"s oversized it won' t draw well, and that's will cause difficulty starting a fire (for wood) and the possibilty of backdrafts in windy conditions. FWIW, neutral wires in the US are white.

Answer to: Wiring Query
Sun, 12/02/2012 - 10:18

Do not assume that the color of a wire reveals its purpose or attributes. Wires of every color can be hot, either by intention or idiocy. You must assume every wire is hot until you test it. I learned this the hard way in the US with a box fed by two circuits, and then I had a refresher course in Italy with a system that had white wire on both poles.