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Thu, 03/01/2018 - 19:08

Hello there, Any rennovation work on a property has to be authorised by the Comune, so you will no doubt have copies of what is called a SCIA (certificate of commencement of works). No rubbish fee is applicable while work is in course. When building works terminate then the Comune give you an end of works certificate and from then on you are liable to pay the Tari rates. Secondly does the house have a certificato di abitabilità? This is also proof of whether or not the house was / is habitable. Next you need photographic evidence of the condition of the property to take with you. To prove that the house was not habitable for a period then you need to have a technical survey done by an architect or geometra. I'm sure that if you speak a little Italian and go the 'tributi office in the comune with all this doc you can sort it out. Another important note is that you declare only the minimum 1 person in the house as many comuni apply a standard of 2 as being resident.Unless obviously more than one person officially reside in the house.I hope you have sorted your property tax 'IMU' , because that is also essential.Good luck