online puchases without an Italian credit card

Pacentro08 Image
03/17/2010 - 10:06

  I can't buy items online (flipchart/printer/monitor - so I need delivery) because I don't have a credit card issued in Italy. Faff! Anyone come across a way round this? I've got a bancomat card but guess it's use is more limited than in UK. Many thanks Pacentro08


I wouldn't recommend anything other than a credit card to be honest otherwise you are not insured if someone commits a fraud on your card. It has happened to us twice on our Italian credit cards and Visa were great and refunded the money immediately. A friend of mine had this happen on her debit card and the bank took more than a year to refund her €700! Most Italia suppliers will let you pay in cash on delivery or by bank transfer too (but will charge extra). Why not give them a call?

 This company is the Staples in Italy - Penny put me on to them They accepted my UK credit card - and I would expect they stock most of the things you want. The downside si that you get endless marketing emails/phone calls ever after.

  Maybe a proxy server would assist! I'm not kidding - getting an ebay account with an Italian ISP is a complete nightmare, and though I have both IT and UK credit cards - shyshe! Don't go that route. A solid reliable spam free proxy server (costs you £5 per month) is at this gives you a UK address, (allows you to view bbc iplayer and 4od) but also gives you so much using your UK cards, or placing a bet with Ladbrokes, or registering on  (The e-bay thing is a once off, so just buy into iportal for a month at £5)  (I have no association with - I am sure there are other proxy servers, even free ones, but I have found iportal delivers download speeds around the 5MB region, which is pretty fantastic, so it gets my vote.) My only criticism of iportal (getting an account) is that you ideally have a Paypal account before you start - lacking that, you are going to be obliged to have a Paypal account before you finish.

Even if you dont have a credit card, most banks offer a prepay visa card specifically for online shopping.  At the Monte dei Paschi its called the Spider card - you top it up and away you go - it costs 10 euros pa.  So even if someone nicks your card or your details they can only spend whats on your card -