Our first egg!

04/08/2010 - 10:06

We have had our two chickens Gilda and Ruby for 5 wks now, and were becoming dispondant as no eggs in sight, but this morning we have had our first one!, I know I am over-excited about this but just had to share!


It is exciting when you get the first egg. So much so that you want to keep it instead of using it. You can't beat a free range egg though. The yolks are so yellow compared to shop bought ones. Enjoy - and may there be many more to come! We had our hens for about a month before they laid an egg and you almost get to the point of thinking that the first egg will never come, then suddenly they surprise you!

How eggciting      ,......sorry had to do it....      Well done you, always wanted to keep a few chickens but always worried about foxes...maybe you have inspired me...A 1

Oh my poor chicks, sad to read this thread again. Gilda was taken by a fox, when she was free ranging, in broad daylight, just a few yards from us, so we built a large secure run with a roof. Then Ruby and  Stella were found dead in the coop within 24hrs of each other, we have no idea what caused the sudden death, as they had been fine the previous day. So no more chicks for now, they appear to be very fragile creatures, and become such pets that it is devastating when they die. Perhaps in the Spring as they are so much fun, affectionate and like going for walks.Oh and the eggs are good too.