Hot or Wot !!?

07/15/2010 - 12:27

My word, this heat is getting a little tiny bit tiring eh? AND  it is like this for the next few weeks........ 35c and beating hot sun................even the pool temp is 32c ! I'll just go and get back in........................ S


Well here in the north of England it is 16 degrees and we consider ourselves lucky! I have been checking out Italian temperatures, it seems to be pretty hot over, in fact hotter than the aptly named Costa del Sol in Spain where we were last week.  

Here in Wales, it is cold, very very wet and extremely windy.  It feels more like November than July.  Hot would wonderful! Jan

Down in eastern Sicily it  42 C this afternoon.  When the Sicilians start complaining you know it's hot! Jan, where in Wales are you? Pat

In reply to by Patz

We're near Carmarthen over in the south west - very beautiful.  A reasonable day today, sunshine / cloud but still fairly cool, about 15 -16 degrees.  Have just done some tidying in the garden, so actually grateful that it's not too warm.  Now absolutely exhausted so about to make myself a well earned G&T and get on to the Easyjet site to look at flights to Pisa - the first week of August in Italy is very appealing!  I can't believe I can just book flights, a car and just pop along to our own house!!!  (As long as I can afford it that is!)  Now for the G&T.......... Jan

We've had none since beginning of June and temperatures are around 37-38 every day.  Even at midnight it's 30 degrees, with the lowest overnight temperature we have seen in weeks being 27 degrees.   

Yes we could use a shower or two at the mo...............problem is, we'll probably get 3months worth overnight and the next day I'll have to go and dig my drive up from DOWN the hill and re-lay it back UP the hill!! Where's the beer!? S

Agree totally Sprostini.  The last rain I referred to delivered a nice new built stone wall 200m further down the garden than intended.  Also we have 650m of white road from main road down to us and the usual delivery of heavy rain involves road turning into river, expensive stones from road ending up in woods and husband out with his zapper trying to keep the water running down the side of the road and not creating new gulleys.  If we're really lucky the farmers field behind/above us stays behind/above us!!  Fun heh:-)

My sister (and her husband) arrive tomorrow and I'm thinking that they will absolutely SCORCH..........they WILL!! I will need to pour water/birra/G&T/ down her/him, but I'm not sure on the measures? I'll play it by ear 'probabilmente'.............. Tough life this eh ?!!!! Pool still 31c +..................cor blimey! S  

Well I had good luck both ways.  I enjoyed the hot weather in Italy last week sitting in my garden there, whilst in England, the rain refreshed my hanging baskets and brought the sunflowers along a treat!  Only problem was that my English lawn flourished a bit too much and now needs a good mowing.

 Mrs Mustard and I have decamped to London for a spell. We are sitting in our garden enjoying the bird song and a refreshing pot of Nilgiri. So much nicer in the bone china. Thought we could avoid the excessive heat in Italy and escape to our London home. Unfortunately, it's too hot to sleep here too! One good thing though, we can leave the windows wide open and be sure of no dratted mosquitoes. 6.30 and it is 29 degrees. Good Lord!