Hi! I am a British citizen, Italian resident. My passport

08/25/2021 - 04:56

Hi! I am a British citizen, Italian resident. My passport is in my married name but all my Italian documents (C.I., Cod. fiscale, patente etc.) are in my maiden name. This has never caused any problems until now. My Green Pass is in my maiden name so it won't tally with my passport when I want to travel outside of Italy.

I was thinking of carrying my marriage certificate when I travel but I don't think that's going to work because, for example, to fly to Canada to visit my elderly mother, I need to upload my Green Pass online when I buy my ticket.

I have no idea what to do! Help!



Get a new passport in your maiden name? ( I think that's allowable, but not sure)


As long as you aren't in a hurry - I gather there are big delays issuing passports at present.

see>  https://www.agenziaentrate.gov.it/portale/web/guest/schede/istanze/richiesta-ts_cf/informazioni-codificazione-pf

In reply to by Ugo

Thanks Ugo! Funnily enough, I looked at my new carta di soggiorno permanente (post-Brexit) and a new codice fiscale which tallies with the name on my passport has been generated for me. So now I'm seriously two different people! In theory I could be re-vaccinated under my new identity but that doesn't seem like the best idea. What next?

If you bought a house or a car with the old tax code, you will not be able to sell them, because they are not owned by the new lady who has all the documents with the new tax code - I highly recommend going to an Italian tax office and ask to link the two social security numbers with your name shown in your passport -

I advise you , of to make this ..very ASAP !


Thanks for the advice. Luckily I don't own anything but I will do as you suggest. Do you think I need also to go to ASL to ask for a new tessera sanitaria, which then can be linked to the Green Pass in my old name?  

receive the certification that both of you are the same people with the same tax code -Then with this - you can go to the other offices - otherwise all the offices will find two of you, and they will fall into confusion