Planning a driving trip to Calabria, Southern Italy for next summer

11/29/2012 - 11:27

So, we are planning to head down to my parents holiday villa in Saline Ioniche, Reggio Calabria next summer by car starting off from our UK base Northampton. (I know its some time off, but looking to get the arrangements booked).Anyway i have driven down many years ago back in the 90's with my parents and need to work out toll costs driving the length of italy so i can figure out the cost of the trip. Having done some research i have planned to drive from Calais to Luxembourg, then on to Mulhouse - Basel - Lucerne and then into Italy.From what i gather i can get away with paying only the Swiss 40euro toll driving this route.So i am not too sure what the toll cost will be driving the length of italy given i havent done this for many years.Would also like to know if anyone knows of any nice places with nice scenary to stop at. Looking at doing 1 overnight stop with the intention of covering 800 miles each day to get down to calabria in just over 2 and half days. Will be driving a passat diesel so i know we will be ok on the fuel front.Any advice/info would be greatly appreciated.



Its worth looking at the DFDS service Dover - Dunkirk      - not much difference in time overall, as you will be going via Luxembourg, but probably cheaper  [Its the one I always use these days]

"........ the intention of covering 800 miles each day ......." Thats some driving!  You'll be absolutely cream crackered by the time you get there.  Also the 'loss' of the hour crossing into Europe can somehow mess up travel calculations [it does make the return 'easier'] I also travel from Northampton - you need to leave before 4.30am[ish] or after 8am [ish] to avoid the rush hour into and around London [M1 & M25]  If travelling later, avoid the M25 between about 4pm and 6.30pm

i think im therefore being overly optimistic then. I would imagine with fuel and food stops during the day one could probably do around 8 hours driving in 1 day without being too shattered. Bearing in mind we intend to book an overnight hotel after the first full day of travel.

Re Passat Diesel....Have you checked fuel prices recently?? Those days are gone when we could cruise around in Europe for peanuts....Forget filling your car up at the first station in France...UK 1.77 euro per litre,Italy 1.71,France 1.52....actually,fill your car up in France...(Passat diesel driver also)

In reply to by Spud

i have earmarked around a minimum of £400 mark for fuel, considering the size of the tank and also the likely mpg. this is based on travelling 1500 miles each way. Again does this sound about right?

Costs should be(ish)..1600 miles,26 hours driving time,fuel should be around £220(at current prices) and toll  around £70, plus ferry(train) costs.Bearing in mind this is one way only.We used to do a regular trip to Tuscany in 2 days(then sleep for 3 days on arrival) Now we just take it easy and stop wherever looks nice(and cheap) There are a lot of good people on here who can advise where to stay if you want to plan it carefully.Just watch your speed in France!! And don't forget  beer testing kit,hi vis vests,triangles etc etc.Check on Michelin website for route planner,costs and legal requirements....Enjoy your trip!!!

In reply to by Spud

I have done this trip before back in the 90's when my dad was younger and he used to drive down. Used to take him around 35 hours to do 1600 miles getting the ferry from dover - calais and then doing the luxembourg route down through to Switzerland then the autostada del sole all the way down Italy. As he was eager to get down there and knew he had a 1 months rest to look forward to he didnt stop overnight at any hotel but took regular breaks for food and for a snooze. I want to make the journey part of the holiday so at least 1 stop overnight at a nice scenic hotel would be nice.

Hi,  Diesel is definitely the way to go,  800 km per day is bit much.  Italy from Calabria to Padova is 9 hrs. You would miss so much along the way.  Their are small towns like Venice, a must see -Verona- Great 3000 yr old Arena to visit, - Then Pisa - another small town- Of course you must stop & do the Amalfi Coast - , then cut over to Salerno & head to Calabria. Forgot - are you driving from UK.  - what about the chunnel train to France & cut over to Italy - beautiful country ,scenery and good food along the way. If I think of anything else- will post it.  Just got back from Calabria- Corigliano beach near Schiavonea is wonderful. Hotel La Villa - a Jewel.Have fun