Italian Ways

by Silvana Saccomani | Mon, 07/17/2017 - 12:41
Italy is a beautiful country and so it makes sense that Italian is a beautiful language. Sources including the Italian encyclopedia Treccani and dictionaries…
by John Bensalhia | Thu, 01/19/2017 - 06:44
From wine tasting to cookery courses, and from sailing to walking, here are eight great ways for anyone to live like a local in the amazing area of Umbria! 1.…
by Anonymous (not verified) | Sun, 12/25/2016 - 18:18
By Sam Dunham They say that “A tavola non si invecchia." At the table with good friends and family you do not become old. This couldn’t ring more true during a…
by elisascarton | Tue, 03/29/2016 - 04:46
Whether you were inspired by our article on moving to small town Italy or you’ve always dreamed of living la vita bella, a sea change to the land of the…
by John Bensalhia | Mon, 10/26/2015 - 16:52
John Bensalhia takes a journey into the world of coffee and looks at the past, present and future of this much-loved drink in Italy The Friends sextet drank…
by elisascarton | Tue, 09/29/2015 - 05:53
By Elisa Scarton Detti I am absolutely and filthily jealous of city expats. They live charmed lives full of English cinemas, multiethnic restaurants and pretty…
by John Bensalhia | Fri, 06/26/2015 - 06:58
Life has a habit of speeding past before your eyes. One minute you're a young 'un enjoying the Summer holidays, a six-week respite from school – the next? You…
by Anonymous (not verified) | Tue, 06/16/2015 - 05:15
By: Emma Leiper of Little Bella Online Italy has introduced to the world many wonderfully sumptuous drinks, from Treviso’s prosecco wine, to Giuseppe Cipriani’…
Food & Drink
by John Bensalhia | Fri, 06/05/2015 - 10:27
Sweet tooth? John Bensalhia finds some of the best desserts to chew on in Italy, whatever the occasion... THE SUMMER DESSERT – GELATO By the time you read this…