How to Say: At the Airport

| Tue, 10/27/2015 - 03:00
Fiumicino airport

Here are a few useful terms for you to know when traveling by plane. Signs do include the English translation in Italian airports, so you will not have any trouble, but if you are learning Italian, it is good to know and practice these words when you are in Italy.

Aeroporto - Airport  

Partenze - departures

Arrivi – arrivals

Banco accettazione – check-in counter

Passaporto - passport

Biglietto aereo – airplane ticket

Carta d’imbarco – boarding pass

Bagaglio a mano - Carry-on bag

Valigia – Suitcase

Bagagli – Luggage

Nastro trasportatore – conveyor belt

Schermi - monitors

Controlli di sicurezza – security checks

Imbarchi – gates

Aereo – airplane

Imbarco – boarding

Pista – runway

Volare – to fly