SirTK's activity

Questions Asked

I travelled via Belgium last week and decided to stay overnight at Dinant, where I have stayed previously and found to be marginally less bad than most towns in Belgium.To anyone contemplating a similar stop - don't.The whole of the town is being

Tue, 04/09/2013 - 08:23

My wife and I want to boost our Italian learning with a short intensive course in Italy.

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 05:57

At La Dolce Vita exhibition at Olympia this year I bought a jar of garlic cloves preserved in a pizzaiola type oil and vinegar mixture.It is just amazing for snacking, the whole cloves are really crunchy with a fairly mild flavour of the garlic an

Tue, 08/25/2009 - 03:05

I need to buy a tyre for my car. I googled all the usual words but came up with nothing. Back in UK I would simply go to Kwikfit, or ATS etc and it would be done on the spot.

Thu, 08/06/2009 - 15:30

Does anybody have a contact for a sun blind maker?Think of a conventional, rather old-fashioned roller blind with the roller fixed at the top of the window and the blind hanging vertically down.

Mon, 07/06/2009 - 13:18

Comments posted

Answer to: Driving to italy
Wed, 06/03/2009 - 03:15

 Agreed, great route.It's just that I resent paying something like €35 each way for the tunnel, compared with €0 for the Swiss tunnels. (I need a Swiss vignette anyway, so the cost of that is not an issue).But again, weekends in the season can result in long delays on the Italian side.

Tue, 06/02/2009 - 06:23

 If you want to eat early in Milan - say around 7 p.m. - many pubs/bars do a terrific buffet arrangement for a low fixed price. The Brera area has quite a selection. A lot cheaper than the restaurants in the same area!  

Answer to: Driving to italy
Sat, 05/30/2009 - 05:45

 I must be doing something wrong - I drive to and fro regularly and always go straight through Basle without any problems. Truckers have a big problem but I've never had to wait in the car. They only give you a cursory glance to check your vignette is up to date, so you don't even need to stop. I usually travel mid-week.Similarly, I have never had a problem at Gotthard, though I have read some dreadful reports of delays there too.