HelenMW's activity

Questions Asked

HiI'm going to a concert at San Siro in July and am having trouble working out how to get there from Milan (using public transport) as everything I look at tells me something different from the last thing I looked at!

Fri, 05/10/2013 - 06:25

Sorry this request may be a little vague. I believe that there is some kind of classic car race this weekend (18th/19th June) and have forgotten the name to get more info.

Tue, 06/14/2011 - 07:02

Can anyone suggest a website where I can find out conditions, especially around Switzerland so I can decide whether to chance it or just go through France and also I have an Italian car-do I need to get headlight converters.

Fri, 12/11/2009 - 06:12

Does anyone have Vodafone as their ADSL provider at home (rather than on a mobile phone)? I am so fed up with the ADSL service from Telecom Italia that I am considering telling them to stick it and move over to Vodafone.

Sat, 09/26/2009 - 14:53

Hi.I'm a self employed dance teacher and need to include a privacy statemnent, including handling of data and taking photos etc. Does anyone know where I can find one and which section of legislation it needs to comply to.

Mon, 09/21/2009 - 07:19

I have a Series 5 Samsung full HD TV and bought an HD hard drive.

Wed, 08/05/2009 - 14:54

Was a bit worried as we hadn't renewed our health cover in January. had been told last month (when I went to the wrong section) that we would only get a year's cover as we're not Italian.

Sun, 07/19/2009 - 03:24

so this is of great interest to me.. I'm off to the ASL within the next couple of weeks so if you need anything done or any questions asked while I'm there please let me knowHelen

Wed, 07/01/2009 - 03:01

This is a question I've windered about every year for the past 3 years and this year I've actually remembered to ask it!

Wed, 07/01/2009 - 02:57

but how can I join this group- being a bit of a technophobe I've just got over the trauma of having to rejoin the forum but now can't seem to do a blessed thing!

Tue, 05/19/2009 - 04:23

Comments posted

Sat, 12/05/2009 - 06:00

I have an online account with Mediolanum which doesn't charge you if you hva emore than €3000 in it. You are always hit by the the goverment tax of €30 a year no matter who you bank with

Sun, 11/08/2009 - 03:04

If you go over your allowed amount it will be the trip switch on the meter not in the house that will go and a message comes up to say you've tried to use more than you are allowed. We have 4.5kw and have yet to exceed that (after 4 years)

Sat, 10/17/2009 - 06:19

My husband has eczema and we've found it a bit of a nightmare getting unperfumed things here but here are a few products we have foundBody wash for bath or shower- there is a company called Avalon that do bath or shower oils based on oat proteins that are fragrance free and moisturizing- it's not cheap though the bath stuff is about €10 for 250mlBody lotion- Colomer Natural Honey Lozione Idratante Lentiva per Pelli Sensibili is great and cheap- less than €3 for 400ml. However I've had a bit of trouble locating it during the last couple of months so have just emailed the company to check it is still available in ItalySuntan lotion- Clinians do some unperfumed aftersun and their products for sensitive skin don't usually have fragrance in themAs far as washing powder and fabric conditioner goes we still have to get people to bring Surcare over from the UK for us (we are both allergic to fragranced washing products) or for lower temperature washes we use washing balls which are quite effective

Answer to: Car Insurance
Wed, 08/19/2009 - 02:26

Seeing as Direct Line is also owned by RBS they might consider your no claims

Wed, 08/19/2009 - 02:21

Have you checked whether you being able to buy the fields is even an option due to the reverse right where the neighbouring farmer has first dibs on it? We too live in the middle of nowhere with a field that is now cultivated by a local farmer and at this point couldn't contemplate living in a town where everyone knows everyone else's business, the politics are incredible (in our town there is apparently a bit of a feud going on between the new & old town) and so is the noise- but then I'm antisocial anyway!!!

Tue, 08/11/2009 - 04:08

Thanks a lot for this- will try the first & if not the second!

Answer to: missing real ale
Wed, 08/05/2009 - 14:50

The Irish pub in the Piazza dell'Arringo in ascoli has Bass on tap- had a lovely shandy there one day!

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 06:05

have been offline so have just seen your reply Penny. Do you think providing them with evidence of other people in other areas being able to get what you've been denied would help, or do you think they would then decide to tell all the other ASL's to start being difficult?!

Sun, 08/02/2009 - 06:02

Have done my homework - when will you be posting the answers?

Fri, 07/31/2009 - 06:15

In our house there's a lot of getting up early to do any work,then sleeping through most of the day with fans going all the time. Shutters are once more closed during the day to keep the heat out - in fact I'm wondering why we bothered having windows as we seem to have the shutters shut throughout the summer to keep the heat out and throughout the winter to keep the heat in!